Download Our App & Request an Appointment in Charleston, SC

Looking for a way to make managing your pet’s health care easier? Want to request appointments with just a few button presses? We have an app for that. West Ashley Veterinary Clinic offers the Vet2Pet mobile app that lets you manage your pet’s health anywhere and at any time, with features that let you:
Call us with just one touch
Request appointments, food, and prescription refills
View your pet’s upcoming services and vaccinations
Receive notifications about hospital promotions, lost pets in our vicinity, and recalled pet foods
Receive monthly reminders so you don’t forget to give your pet their heartworm and flea/tick prevention
Look up pet diseases from a reliable information source check out our Facebook
To get started, visit the app store on your mobile device and search for West Ashley Vet to install the app. Have questions? Let us know! We’ll be glad to help.

Request an Appointment
You can request your pet’s next appointment through our convenient mobile app, or you can fill out the form provided below. This form is for non-emergencies only. If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency, please visit our Local Emergency Clinics page for more information.
We will contact you within 24 hours of receiving your request to confirm your appointment. Please note, your appointment is not booked until we contact you.