Emergency Vets in Charleston, SC

Pet emergencies are often unpredictable, and we want you to be able to get help for your pet should the need arise.
West Ashley Veterinary Clinic can offer guidance and provide limited emergency care during our opening hours—call us right away at (843) 571-7095 so we can advise you on what to do. We may be able to provide care to your pet, or we can recommend you to a nearby referral emergency vet for specialized care.

Local Emergency Vet Clinics
Below are our recommended emergency vets. If your pet receives treatment at one of these facilities, the hospital will notify our clinic and send over any medical records so we can provide the necessary follow-up care.
Signs of a Pet Emergency

You are more than welcome to call us if you’re concerned about your pet’s health. Pet emergencies can be subtle, and may include signs such as:
- Heavy, labored breathing
- Persistent vomiting/diarrhea
- Pale/gray/blue gums
- Injury to one or both eyes
- Abdomen appears bloated and is hard to the touch
- Signs of severe pain (trembling, whimpering, crying, not moving)
- Not eating or drinking for 12-24 hours or more
- Ingestion of a known toxin